Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The CoolEST Girl | Songs by Natalie Amber

For bragging purposes and the good of the world:

We at About Face are proud to count among our leading ladies, one very (multi) talented wonder by the name of Natalie. Aside from being a totally captivating writer, passionate environmental and social activist, events (and everything) coordinator and skillful feathery head-decorator and friendship-bracelet-maker (correct me if I'm wrong about the last one, Nat, but I feel this is ought to be accurate), she has also succeeded at weaving dreams in the form of light... I mean sparkles... I mean... songs (you may actually be convinced that all of these suggestions are true upon first listen). I don't think it's going too far to say that these songs may help to save the world in just as great a capacity as her other efforts. Actually, as an artist, I'll go ahead and confirm that it's probably a scientific fact.

Because people seem to like comparisons: think about what would happen if Regina Spektor, Feist, Kimya Dawson and Joni Mitchell rode their bikes out to the beach and left only a poem and a trail of cupcakes for someone to find them with. Well, I'd put all my bets on Nat. And I'd go double-or-nothing that she'd find a unicorn to ride out on. Or that she is actually just made of cupcakes. None of this makes sense? Perfect. It doesn't matter. Just listen. Then go kiss someone. Or at least smile at a few.

And if you're wondering if "Cool Girl" is about me, well, it is. Okaaaaay, it isn't. But please don't tell, I plan on making this my claim to fame when everyone falls in love with Natalie's music. It's only a matter of time.
