Friday, August 26, 2011

Pure Green Zine, Money!

How the h it's taken this long for us to discover Pure Green Mag, we do not know. But now we know! Yeah yeah, you're like "Pff, Pure Green's only been like the coolest sustainable ish for the last year, don't you read the internet?"

Sapna's DIY fun!

So we read the internet today, and it told us that our good friend Sapna had contributed one of her many talents (not that one) to the DIY instructional of this mystery magazine. Intrigue! After some link-clicking and about an hour of the afternoon spent staring at its pretty pages via the computer screen, we'd discovered that PG is a refreshingly stylish Canadian green living and design mag. This issue has a cover featuring a babe with a bike (10 points), articles on Montreal vintage hunting, book binding, organic recipes (um, blue cheese beet cakes with hot pepper cream whuut! 100 points) fruit and veggies preserving and for that extra win with my heart strings, an interview and lovely photo spread of the Algonquin Park Lodge owned by my childhood camp owners (a lot of points).

We also really like their mandate to "have, a strong undercurrent of handmade culture; it supports small businesses and features green designers from around the world. We are very passionate in our views on green living, and don't for one second think that living green means sacrificing style." I don't know how many points that all adds up to, but probably at least a million. We're excited to kick back with a print version coming soon. For now, if you have some time to kill, do it here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why City Life Can Drive Us Crazy (F'real) And Why Projects Like Ours Can Help!

From NOW's Land Use For The Brain by Wayne Roberts

As we've been feverishly writing away at grant applications and other such things in attempts to lock funding for our Rooftop Recycle Art Garden Project at the Centre For Social Innovation, we've been making some pretty good pitches (if we do say so ourselves) for why urban agriculture is important to foster in this city (and maybe going a bit crazy doing so). In similar fashion to most things we work on, this garden project could easily be described as "the urban equivalent of the Swiss Army knife". We really believe in integrated approaches and multifunctional, creative use of community space, as you may have noticed. 

As this fantastic article from NOW points out, urban farming in itself, really is quite multifunctional. "This is where urban agriculture, with its food creation, storing of carbon, reuse of rainwater, etc, shines and pays down the high cost of land." The benefits of making efforts to green our city really are manifold. Not that we need more reasons, but reducing mental health disorders is a really good one. And one we could be thankful for. ("Shall we continue to refer to ourselves in the plural?"  "Yes, us.") Okay then everyone, go ahead and read this:
Land Use For The Brain - How City Planning Can Reduce Mental Health Disorders, NOW Magazine

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Show your Support for Enviromental groups in Toronto! Stop the Cuts!

In the face of Rob Ford's funding cut rampage, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) has been fighting vigorously to inform citizens as to why environmental groups such as theirs are so crucial to Toronto. Show your support by signing TEA's petition that will let city council know that Torontonians care about environmental groups and services!