Monday, August 15, 2011

Why City Life Can Drive Us Crazy (F'real) And Why Projects Like Ours Can Help!

From NOW's Land Use For The Brain by Wayne Roberts

As we've been feverishly writing away at grant applications and other such things in attempts to lock funding for our Rooftop Recycle Art Garden Project at the Centre For Social Innovation, we've been making some pretty good pitches (if we do say so ourselves) for why urban agriculture is important to foster in this city (and maybe going a bit crazy doing so). In similar fashion to most things we work on, this garden project could easily be described as "the urban equivalent of the Swiss Army knife". We really believe in integrated approaches and multifunctional, creative use of community space, as you may have noticed. 

As this fantastic article from NOW points out, urban farming in itself, really is quite multifunctional. "This is where urban agriculture, with its food creation, storing of carbon, reuse of rainwater, etc, shines and pays down the high cost of land." The benefits of making efforts to green our city really are manifold. Not that we need more reasons, but reducing mental health disorders is a really good one. And one we could be thankful for. ("Shall we continue to refer to ourselves in the plural?"  "Yes, us.") Okay then everyone, go ahead and read this:
Land Use For The Brain - How City Planning Can Reduce Mental Health Disorders, NOW Magazine

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